Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Uses of Potassium Permanganate

We are one of the largest Potassium Permanganate Manufacturers in India. We have listed below few uses of Potassium Permanganate.

  1. Purifying water
  2. Creating an antiseptic solution
  3. As an anti-fungal treatment for the hands and feet
  4. As a cholera disinfectant
  5. Treating canker sores
  6. Marking snow as an emergency signal.
  7. General disinfectant agent

Proceed with caution, however. The information provided in this article is intended for emergency situations only. Caution should be exercised when using any of the following information.

Potassium permanganate will start a fire when mixed with a couple of different compounds. Glycerin is the most common, but antifreeze will also do the trick. Antifreeze seems to create a reaction that is a little more violent. Be very careful when using either. The reaction is not always immediate. It can take several seconds for the reaction to start a fire – let it be.

Article Source – https://www.intherabbithole.com/potassium-permanganate-the-most-useful-survival-chemical/

Potassium Permanganate Manufacturers

From https://susanquillin4.wordpress.com/2020/04/22/uses-of-potassium-permanganate/


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